Saturday, August 6, 2011

Kids Card-making

I don't know about your kids but my kiddo loves to do crafts. He asks me pretty much every day to do a craft. Sometimes I get a little tired of just the normal crayons and construction paper art. I try to come up with fun things he can do to keep both of us interested. I like crafts that are useful...ones you can do something with instead of just taping them up on the fridge. Check out what my 2 year old made...

Adorable right? Check out this one...

Let me show you how I helped Austin make these cards. First you will need a piece of card stock. Then you will need to pick out a stamp that your toddler can hold onto by himself.

I let Austin pick out which color stamp pads he wanted to use for the dragonfly stamp. For the feather I have to admit that I let him choose from colors that went well together :)

Then just let them go at it.

He was pretty proud of his creation. I cut the paper in half and then folded it in half. Then I let him pick out a ribbon and he helped me tie it around the card. It was a lot of fun and it kept him occupied for a good amount of time. Just be careful because the ink won't come out of cloths so you may want to have your child wear play cloths.

I think I know of some grandma's and grandpa's that would love to receive these in the mail. :)

Happy Stamping!


  1. Those look better than the cards I make! I will have to order some cards from Austin!

  2. Awesome! Keep the toddler craft ideas coming. Good job on teaching your boys to do craft stuff.

  3. Cool that Austin can help! You need to show me the inside of your cards. Or at least how you do the ribbons? Do they go all the way around on the inside or do you cut them off? Really, I just need you to come and make cards with me one day. I should have snagged you last year when you were here...darn it!
