Saturday, October 6, 2012

Photographing Flowers Blog


 I am pleased to feature a great new blog today. The blog is called Photographing Flowers.

 The author, Patty Kennington, is an advanced gardener and wonderful photographer. Patty is also a great Mother. I was lucky enough to marry her youngest son six years ago. Patty has demonstrated her love of learning and teaching as she taught Photoshop and digital cameras at Ontario High School for 8 years.  She has sense moved on to teach Photoshop and Computer Applications at Treasure Valley Communications for the last six years. She was awarded Master Gardeners status from Idaho State University in 2011. Patty has also shared her gardening and photography talents in her community through free workshops and demonstrations. Now she is sharing it to all of you.

I got the following from her blog. I think she is a captivating writer, and she captures the passion of her gardening and blog better than I could.

"There is something satisfying about taking and displaying photos of beautiful flowers. I have been invited to show my flower slideshows during cold winter days to groups of winter-weary people. A soldier in Afghanistan follows my Facebook photos of my farm and garden because it reminds him of home. My Master Gardeners' group wants to know what settings to use when photographing flowers. I print pictures of sunflowers and cattails that grow along our irrigation canal for the elderly neighbor recovering in the hospital because she loves them."
"From the time I found my first gladiola corm lying tossed aside on the sidewalk in front of a neighbor's house where I grew up in Los Angeles, (and before I found and married my dairy farmer,) I was intrigued to discover I could stick a papery, onion-looking bulb in the ground, and in the course of a summer, it would sprout into green blades surrounding a tall spire of lovely white gladiola flowers. I started planting other things, to see what would come up. At the end of that summer I found myself hooked on flowers, just like I was hooked on cameras."
"When I moved to the dairy five children and fourteen grandchildren ago, I found I finally had enough space and irrigation water to grow the kind of cottage garden I didn't realize I craved. When my children married, moved away and started their own gardens, I had more time to add more flowers where the lawn used to be. The trees grew tall and provided a shady microclimate for the permaculture garden I have ultimately ended up with."
"This blog is an attempt to bring these two passions together--growing beautiful flowers, annuals and perennials through the seasons, while experimenting with the best ways to photograph them. Please join me!"
My favorite posts so far have of course been the ones with the stunning pictures, but the most helpful for me has been her post on the different photography terminology. I love the links she provides on her blog for information on Depth of Field, Composition and Balance, Light and Exposure and Cameras and Equipment. Head on over to Photographing Flowers and leave her a comment to let her know what you think. As a fellow blogger I know how it feels to wonder if anyone is out there reading. I'm sure she would also love the feedback or any questions you have. Maybe she could even write a special post to answer your question. 
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget that today is National Card Making Day so make a card to two!

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